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3049 Cam-shield™ 1-Shot Break-In / Racing (Treats 4-6 quarts of oil)
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List Price: $15.95
Your Price: $13.50
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Product Code: 3049

Cam-shield™ brand engine oil additive provides premium ZDDP anti-wear protection for camshafts, lifters and valve trains in your classic VW, or all out race car. Add Cam-shield™ to any conventional or synthetic engine oil to raise the ZDDP concentration to the level required for protection of your flat tappet cam engines or race engines.

The current API SM/ ILSAC GF-4 engine oils with lower levels of ZDDP (Zinc dialkyl dithiophosphate) chemistry are suspected of contributing to wear related failures in flat tappet cam engines. Other contributing factors may be incorrect engine assembly, improper cam and / or lifter metallurgy, lack of proper break-in assembly lube, and negligent maintenance of the valve train.

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